Dosha Assignment and Pulse Analysis


This session includes a full consultation with a pulse reading to determine your Prakriti and Vikriti . You will be given a complete report after our consultation. Duration is 1.5 hours.



Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is a noninvasive diagnostic method to determine your dominant Dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and imbalances. Similar to visiting your doctor, your pulse helps determines your heart rate. With Ayurveda, your pulse gives a picture of not only your heart rate but a view into your mental and physical state. Understanding your constitution/dosha or mind/body type is the only way to determine the right treatments, programs and oils specifically for you. We’ll look into how Ayurvedic lifestyle routines can help you achieve your wellness goals after this test is completed. This session includes a full consultation with a pulse reading to determine your Prakriti and Vikriti . You will be given a complete report after our consultation. Duration is 1.5 hours.

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